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Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Job Details:

Employer: Fahad Bin Sultan University


| Jobs in Saudi Arabia | Gulf Faculty Jobs | Academic Positions in the field of Engineering, Sciences and Management |

  • Faculty Positions in Civil Engineering
  • Faculty Positions in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering
  • Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty Positions in Computer Engineering
  • Faculty Positions in Chemistry
  • Faculty Positions in Physics
  • Faculty Position in Mathematics
  • Faculty Positions in Business and Administrations


Fahad Bin Sultan University, Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Salary and Benefits:

Not Disclosed

Application Deadline:


Job Type:


Eligibility and Qualification :

  • The applicant must be Saudi.
  • All applicants must have a Ph.D. as well as the promotion degree for associate professor or assistant professor from a Saudi university or another university, which Saudi Arabia recognizes in the applicant’s field of specialization.
  • The applicant must pass an interview and exams, and for the final candidates, they must present scientific presentations. 
  • The applicant must have obtained their degrees through regular study and residence in the country of study and not through affiliation or correspondence or distance education.
  • If the applicant graduated from a university, where the medium of instruction is not in English, he\she then must bring documents that demonstrate his\her ability to teach in English.
  • In applying for the languages and translation programs, the applicants must achieve at least 550 in the TOEFL test or 6.5 in the IELTS test


Engineering, Sciences and Management

Documents Required:


Go to Fahad Bin Sultan University HR Department and complete the electronic form on University Website. Or send your CV to  HR@FBSU.EDU.SA

For More Details/To Apply Institution Link:

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